Prices for bouquets in our catalog correspond to the prices on the flowers in the country of delivery.
For over 100 years the brands Fleurop and Interflora together with the trademark "Mercury" have been recognized for the finest quality in floral products and excellence in customer service. We value our reputation and strive to ensure that our customers remain satisfied with our work.
Thanks to the unified international standards of service we provide quality service anywhere in the world.
The Catalog of bouquets and compositions includes best works of famous florist - designers around the world.
Our network contains of international salons with a staff of professional florists, including the winners of international competitions.
Maximum coverage of the territory of 150 countries in the world is provided by 50 000 flower shops, no company in the world can offer the same.
We deliver bouquets anywhere in the world within a few hours.

Worldwide flower delivery service Interflora - it is more than 50 000 thoroughly chosen flower shops from 150 countries, that are all united in one international network. We deliver flowers to Russia, CIS countries and around the world in the order day.
The secret of Interflora company success lies in the finest florists` work. We choose only fresh flowers for bouquets, while our clients are surrounded with care and special attention.
In a flash we unite people all over the world by delivering your flower messages in every corner of the globe. Interflora experts guarantees wonderful bouquets and freshness of flowers. Your colleges, friends and relatives will receive a flower message from you wherever they are.